quotations about socialism
Anyone who objects to any government whatsoever as a form of socialism ought not to pull that socialist lever in their home, the one that makes their waste disappear in a whirlpool into the socialized sewage treatment plant.
The Distributist Review, August 31, 2009
Here in Jacksonville there's a road called Commonwealth Blvd., and today as I was driving on it, I realized how socialist the name sounds.
This Book Has No Title
What is a Socialist? That's when all are equal and all have property in common, there are no marriages, and everyone has any religion and laws he likes best. You are not old enough to understand that yet.
The Brothers Karamazov
We comes from God, I from the Devil.
I pass the test that says a man who isn't a socialist at 20 has no heart, and a man who is a socialist at 40 has no head.
attributed, Washington Post, May 7, 1987
I am opposed to Socialism because I believe that it attempts to do by legislative enactment, what must come through an evolutionary process. I believe that we are now ready for a long evolutionary jump, but not so far forward as some of our Socialist brethren would like to jump. I desire to go as far toward human justice and good will toward men, as anyone, but I do not feel that we should start and stop, because we are not ready to go the whole distance. I would start and go but one day's journey at a time.
attributed, Why I Am Opposed to Socialism
A socialist is just someone who is unable to get over his or her astonishment that most people who have lived and died have spent lives of wretched, fruitless, unremitting toil.
Ideology: An Introduction
There is an old joke about socialism as the synthesis of the highest achievements of the whole human history to date: from prehistoric societies it took primitivism; from the Ancient world it took slavery; from medieval society brutal domination; from capitalism exploitation; and from socialism the name.
Revolution at the Gates: Zizek on Lenin
The only hope of socialism resides in those who have already brought about in themselves, as far as is possible in the society of today, that union between manual and intellectual labor which characterizes the society we are aiming at.
Oppression and Liberty
I think it's wrong that only one percent of the people should own ninety percent of the country.
Summer Fire
The socialist "revolutionaries" respond the way they always have: they try to save the revolution by exterminating political freedom.
"Why Is The New York Times Trying To Rehabilitate Communism?", The Federalist, August 3, 2017
In essence, socialism is a system in which others are forced to pay your bills no matter how irresponsible you may be.
"The Insurance Compulsion", Washington Times, August 7, 2017
It wasn't idealism that made me, from the beginning, want a more secure and rational society. It was an intellectual judgement, to which I still hold. When I was young its name was socialism. We can be deflected by names. But the need was absolute, and is still absolute.
'87 socialism gave way to socialising
so put your hands up in the air
once more the North is rising
"Last Day of the Miners Strike"
Whether considered as a doctrine, or as an historical fact, or as a movement, socialism, if it really remains socialism, cannot be brought into harmony with the dogmas of the Catholic church.... Religious socialism, Christian socialism, are expressions implying a contradiction in terms.
Quadragesimo Anno
Socialism is nothing but the capitalism of the lower classes.
The Hour of Decision
The chief advantage that would result from the establishment of Socialism is, undoubtedly, the fact that Socialism would relieve us from that sordid necessity of living for others which, in the present condition of things, presses so hardly upon almost everybody. In fact, scarcely anyone at all escapes.
"The Soul of Man Under Socialism", The Essays of Oscar Wilde
Jealousy, which is an extraordinary source of crime in modern life, is an emotion closely bound up with our conceptions of property, and under Socialism and Individualism will die out. It is remarkable that in communistic tribes jealousy is entirely unknown.
"The Soul of Man Under Socialism", The Essays of Oscar Wilde
Socialism annihilates family life, for instance. With the abolition of private property, marriage in its present form must disappear. This is part of the programme. Individualism accepts this and makes it fine. It converts the abolition of legal restraint into a form of freedom that will help the full development of personality, and make the love of man and woman more wonderful, more beautiful, and more ennobling.
"The Soul of Man Under Socialism", The Essays of Oscar Wilde
Tell me this, if socialism actually is implemented, what do you expect to get, what is going to happen, are you going to get money, a house, a car, what do you hope for? Or are you simply hoping that the rich will be brought down to the level of the poor?
"A Reply to: Capitalism has failed the world: Socialism is the viable alternative", News24, August 10, 2017