quotations about vampires
My vampire senses heightened and I could hear the squeals of rodents and soft gasping noises that reminded me of the way it sounded when someone tried to scream without drawing a deep breath. My teeth lengthened, saliva filling my mouth. Now was so not the time to go to the bat side.
To Dance With the Devil
So yes, this is a show about an adolescent girl, her friends, and various vampires. Vampires writing in diaries, vampires attending high school, vampires investigating various mysterious supernatural events, vampires tormenting each other, vampires eavesdropping on each other, and vampires being sarcastic about other vampires' hairstyles. Vampires embracing every possible opportunity to take off their shirts.
"A Vampire is a Flexible Metaphor: An Interview with Kelly Link", Gigantic Magazine, October 23, 2013
Do you think of me?
Where am I now, baby where do I sleep?
Feels so good but I'm old
2000 years of chasing takin' its toll
Can you take this spike?
Will it fill our hearts with thoughts of endless
Night time sky?
Can you take this spike?
Will it wash away this jet black feeling?
"Vampires Will Never Hurt You"
You know, being a vampire back in the Middle Ages in Europe was probably a total f***ing bummer. I mean, nothing was open late, people were afraid of everything, and you had to kill people to get blood. But in 2017, there are ways to make it work.
"An Interview with Donny Cates, Creator of REDNECK", ComicsVerse, April 29, 2017
People with real vampire identities, at least those within this sample, are fearful that clinicians will label them as being psychopathological in some way (i.e., delusional, immature, unstable), perhaps wicked, and not competent to perform in typical social roles, such as parenting.
"Real-life Vampires Exist, but They Are Scared to Admit Their Practices to Doctors", Smithsonian Magazine, July 10, 2015
Everybody knows how vampires act. Its like, would you need any help playing a zombie now? If you ask a three year old kid to play a zombie they know to drag their foot. Zombies and vampires are pretty much a part of the fabric of our culture, we know how they act. So vampires are very cool, they can't die so they don't give a f***. They're very calm, you point a gun at them and they laugh, then they f*** you up.
"Vampires just got cooler with Ice-T in the mix", Fangoria, April 6, 2017
Vampires are a myth. But the notion that the walking dead are among us, severed from their humanity, is anything but myth. It explains murder and rape and torture of many kinds.
"Inside the mind of the Facebook Killer", Fox News, April 18, 2017
To some I am a rabid vampire feeding
on their humiliation.
"An English Gentleman", Kalakuta Republic
Mortal terror reigned
Sickness now then horrible death
Only Lucy knew the truth
And at her window
Our veins are thin
Our rivers poisoned
We want the sweet meat
We want the young blood
"We Suck Young Blood"
We're all kept alive by magic, Sookie. My magic's just a little different from yours, that's all.
"Mine", True Blood
So one day he comes to me and says, Ice, you want to do a vampire flick? I'm like, yeah. And he says well the vampire's a gangster in the 30s, back in the day. I was like, that sounds cool; I just played a cop for 18 years, I'm like f*** it. I'm ready to play a vampire let's go.
"Vampires just got cooler with Ice-T in the mix", Fangoria, April 6, 2017
Vampires are willful pleasure seekers, like mortals who use narcotics with no inclination or desire to break free of their habit. Vampires feed as much on their victims' fear as on their blood.
Pandora's Game
If there is in this world a well-attested account, it is that of vampires. Nothing is lacking: official reports, affidavits of well-known people, of surgeons, of priests, of magistrates; the judicial proof is most complete. And with all that, who is there who believes in vampires?
letter to the Archbishop of Paris, The Social Contract, Or Principles of Political Right
Whoooahh! Bite! Whoooah! Bite!
Release the bats! Release the bats!
Don't tell me that it doesn't hurt
A hundred fluttering in your skirt
Don't tell me that it doesn't hurt
"Release the Bats"
Was there anything other than sunshine a vampire ended up wanting? Is there anything other than what we don't have that we all end up wanting?
By Blood We Live