quotations about wealth

Riches are for spending, and spending for honor and good actions. Therefore extraordinary expense must be limited by the worth of the occasion; for voluntary undoing, may be as well for a man's country, as for the kingdom of heaven. But ordinary expense, ought to be limited by a man's estate; and governed with such regard, as it be within his compass; and not subject to deceit and abuse of servants; and ordered to the best show, that the bills may be less than the estimation abroad.


"Of Expense", The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral

Tags: Francis Bacon

Wealth is a matter of life, death and ZIP codes.


"Wealth is a matter of life, death and ZIP codes", Houston Chronicle, December 10, 2016

A fortune won in a day is lost in a day; a fortune won slowly, and slowly compacted, seems to acquire from the hand that won it the property of endurance.



The first wealth is health.


"Power", The Conduct of Life

Tags: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wealth is the parent of luxury and indolence, and poverty of meanness and viciousness, and both of discontent.


The Republic

Tags: Plato

Anyone, without any great penetration, may distinguish the dispositions consequent on wealth; for its possessors are insolent and overbearing, from being tainted in a certain way by the getting of their wealth. For they are affected as though they possessed every good; since wealth is a sort of standard of the worth of other things; whence every thing seems to be purchasable by it.



Tags: Aristotle

Like most children of affluence, I grew up with a distinct sense that my parents were only tolerably well off. This is because children always compare their families with wealthier ones, never with poorer. I thought I knew perfectly well what it meant to be rich in New York. If you were rich, you lived in a house with a pompous beaux-arts facade and kept a butler and gave children's parties with spun sugar on the ice cream and little cups of real silver as game prizes. If you were not rich you lived in a brownstone with Irish maids who never called you Master Louis and parents who hollered up and down the stairs instead of ringing bells.


A Writer's Capital

Tags: Louis Auchincloss

Like spiritual growth, building wealth is a process. You can't expect to invest today and become a millionaire tomorrow, it takes time.... Become responsible financially, live within your means and start saving money. It's not easy and you may have some setbacks, but if you want to have a secure financial future you have no choice.


"Your Investments: The Omerand Your Wealth", Jerusalem Post, April 13, 2017

We never get far from wealth and all of its masks when we deal with power.


Children of Dune

Tags: Frank Herbert

No matter how hard you climb, there are always the rich above you, who got there without effort. Lucky stiffs, holding you down, making you discontent so you buy more of the crap advertised on television.


Rabbit at Rest

Tags: John Updike

Building long-term, sustainable wealth is a process that takes dedication and consistency, just like building muscle.


"Wealth Can't Wait is Released", Broadway World, April 4, 2017

The wealthy seldom possess wealth: oftener they are possessed by it.



Tags: Ivan Panin

Wealth flows from energy and ideas.


Forbes, Volume 135

Desire may reflect anything from a desperate need to a transitory want. In either case, wealth is anything that satisfies the craving. It applies balm to the itch. It may, in fact, gratify more than one desire at a time. We may want a touch of beauty on our living room wall. A painting, even an inexpensive reproduction, may provide a small surge of pleasure every time we pause to look at it. The same work of art may simultaneously fulfill our desire to impress visitors with our splendid good taste, or our social importance. But wealth can also be a bank account, a bicycle, a hoard of food or a health insurance policy.


Revolutionary Wealth

Tags: Alvin Toffler

The more wealth a man has, the louder his children talk.


Country Town Sayings

Tags: Edgar Watson Howe

Wealth hath never given happiness, but often hastened misery.


Proverbial Philosophy

As a rule, the most biting and bitter of the castigators of wealth are those who have signally failed in the pursuit of it.


Platt's Essays, vol. II

But I have wealth he cannot touch,
Spoiler of kings!
For I have tasted agony
And worn joy's wings.


"The Highwayman", Burning Bush

Tags: Karle Wilson Baker

There is a saying that no man has tasted the full flavour of life until he has known poverty, love and war. The justness of this reflection commends it to the lover of condensed philosophy. The three conditions embrace about all there is in life worth knowing. A surface thinker might deem that wealth should be added to the list. Not so. When a poor man finds a long-hidden quarter-dollar that has slipped through a rip into his vest lining, he sounds the pleasure of life with a deeper plummet than any millionaire can hope to cast.


"The Complete Life of John Hopkins"

Tags: O. Henry

Wealth in the modern world does not come merely from individual effort; it results from a combination of individual effort and of the manifold uses to which the community puts that effort. The individual does not create the product of his industry with his own hands; he utilizes the many processes and forces of mass production to meet the demands of a national and international market. Therefore, in spite of the great importance in our national life of the efforts and ingenuity of unusual individuals, the people in the mass have inevitably helped to make large fortunes possible. Without mass cooperation great accumulations of wealth would be impossible save by unhealthy speculation.


Message to Congress on Tax Revision, June 19, 1935

Tags: Franklin D. Roosevelt