quotations about wine

One should always be drunk. That's all that matters.... But with what? With wine, poetry, or virtue as you choose. But get drunk.


"Get Drunk"

Tags: Charles Baudelaire

You may happen on a good bottle, but chances are you will not. For that, you need a store run by passionate devotees who do much of the advance work for you. A good wine shop or online merchant with a point of view, like a great butcher or baker, will have performed a rigorous selection process before making its wares available to consumers. Knowing that you are in a good wine shop can sharpen your decision-making down to issues of taste and occasion rather than quality.


"Want to Pick Better Bottles? Repeat After Me: Wine Is Food", New York Times, March 6, 2017

Many people seek an easy formula for choosing better wines. I'm often asked if I can suggest a book, or a class, or a particular wine magazine. But trying to master the vast array of wine producers from almost all corners of the earth is a long, though fascinating, slog. I'm still trudging along that endless route myself. Fortunately, there is a simpler solution that does not require poring over tomes that daunt you with complexity, or pamphlets that mislead you by promising easy expertise. All you have to do is remember three words: Wine is food.


"Want to Pick Better Bottles? Repeat After Me: Wine Is Food", New York Times, March 6, 2017

All too often the wine is poured to nearly fill the glass ... this should be avoided, as it limits the headspace in the glass and consequently the bouquet, as well as eliminates swirling to increase the bouquet.


Neuroenology: How the Brain Creates the Taste of Wine

Wine is one of the agreeable and essential ingredients of life.


attributed, Wine: Grape Goddess

Go on, have a glass of wine with dinner. What is wine, anyway? Pure grapes. A glass of wine is much better for you than a Coke.


"30 Inspirational health quotes by fitness guru Jack LaLanne", Examiner, May 18, 2013

Tags: Jack LaLanne

Next time your brain needs a challenge, skip the Sudoku and grab some wine. Enjoying a glass of wine makes the grey matter in our brains work harder than it would any other human activity -- like listening to music or solving a math problem.


"Drinking wine is like burpees for your brain", New York Post, April 5, 2017

In Europe then we thought of wine as something as healthy and normal as food and also as a great giver of happiness and well-being and delight. Drinking wine was not a snobbism nor a sign of sophistication nor a cult; it was as natural as eating and to me as necessary.


A Moveable Feast

Tags: Ernest Hemingway

Wine is not just an object of pleasure, but an object of knowledge; and the pleasure depends on the knowledge.


I Drink Therefore I Am

Wine is perhaps the closest thing the planet has to an elixir of life.


Adventures in Wine

Tags: Thom Elkjer

Bronze is the mirror of the form; wine, of the heart.



Tags: Aeschylus

Drinking wine is easy: tilt glass and swallow. Really tasting wine is more of a challenge. You need the proper tools and environment, the ability to concentrate, a good memory and a vivid imagination.


Wine Spectator's Pocket Guide to Wine

Wine is most comfortable in the temperature range that people are -- make that Eskimo-type people.


The Wine Avenger

Choosing a wine is a "mood thing," which can vary depending upon the food with which it's accompanied, or by something as seemingly unexceptional as the weather. On a steamy day ... a pinot grigio; on a wintry day, a cabernet sauvignon.


"Inspired Bites: Restaurant is both popular eatery and wine shop", Cecil Daily, February 6, 2016

Don't mix wine and women.


The Beach

Tags: Cesare Pavese

Wine molecules don't actually have any flavor, and it's our brains that create the sensation that we perceive as taste. The process is similar to how our brains see color. Wine molecules stimulate thousands of our mouth's taste and odor receptors, which create both a sensory and emotional reaction in our brain. All these signals spark different cognitive areas -- including memory, pattern recognition and pleasure -- which work together to deliver the wine's "taste."


"Drinking wine is like burpees for your brain", New York Post, April 5, 2017

The taste is not in the wine; the taste is created by the brain of the wine taster.


Neuroenology: How the Brain Creates the Taste of Wine

Wine is literally the soil and its biodiversity, rain, wind, temperature and all that goes on during the seasons. A good winemaker merely guides the process and lets Mother Nature take her course.


"Ensuring wine is climate in a bottle", The Royal Gazette, March 17, 2017

If Dracula would be happy there, so will your wine.


The Cork Jester's Guide to Wine

Tags: Jennifer Rosen

Great Bacchus every trouble cures;
Then drink as long as life endures.
For, whilst we drain the rosy bowl,
'Tis all a sunshine of the soul!


Ode XXV, Odes