author of erotic fiction
Men and women are totally different. Women check men out, too ... but we do it with style.
Shame on It All
Courage is simply fear that has said it's prayers!
I got a few gray hairs to testify to my wisdom, two grand babies, and a long, black dildo named Harry.
Zane's Succulent: Chocolate Flava II
Like most addictions, sex is used to take away pain or to temporarily ignore it. If you are not in control of your life, but your life is controlled by your sexual urges, then you need to seek help.
Dear G. Spot
The person that loves the least, controls the relationship.
Total Eclipse of the Heart
When you're hurt, you feel stupid because you think you should have seen it coming. But if we knew everything that was going to happen to us we wouldn't get out of bed in the morning.
Total Eclipse of the Heart
Every aspect of sex is not for everybody. People like different things.
Dear G-Spot
Marriage is meant to be a very sacred union between two people who have no intention of ever becoming emotionally or physically tied to another person for the rest of eternity. Most people mean their marriage vows when they take them, but oftentimes--these days more often than not, according to statistics--the initial commitment begins to wane and ultimately dissipates altogether. We live in a time when most people who get married before they turn thirty are merely doing a practice run.
Dear G. Spot
Good men are like good hairdressers. Hard as hell to find.
Shame on It All
One day, someone will walk into your life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else.
The Other Side of the Pillow
I don't believe in casual sex, because meaningless sex is mad boring and frankly, in this day and age, not worth the risk.
Dear G. Spot
There is nothing like young love. It is exciting, it is stimulating, and it is often the most complicated. Why? Because the two of you are still on a path of self-discovery, defining yourselves and trying to define a combined relationship at the same time.
Dear G. Spot
Sex is like the cherry on the top of a sundae, but you need to make the sundae first, if you get my drift.
Dear G. Spot