quotations about writing

I don't begin a novel with a shopping list--the novel becomes my shopping list as I write it. It's like that joke about the violin maker who was asked how he made a violin and answered that he started with a piece of wood and removed everything that wasn't a violin. That's what I do when I'm writing a novel, except somehow I'm simultaneously generating the wood as I'm carving it.


The Paris Review, summer 2011

If you over-plot your book you strangle your characters. Your characters have to have enough freedom and life to be able to surprise you.


interview, Identity Theory, November 16, 2000

Tags: Alan Lightman

Nowadays three witty turns of phrase and a lie make a writer.


"Notebook D", Aphorisms

Tags: Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

You have an idea in mind of what you want to achieve when you sit down to write something. It takes many years to accept that you will always fall short of that. Maybe now I can write the book that I might have had in mind five or twenty years ago. You're always lagging behind your best ideas.


The Missouri Review, 2003

The chief advantage that ancient writers can boast over modern ones, seems owing to simplicity. Every noble truth and sentiment was expressed by the former in the natural manner; in word and phrase, simple, perspicuous, and incapable of improvement. What then remained for later writers but affectation, witticism, and conceit?


Essays on Men and Manners

My approach to revision hasn't changed much over the years. I know there are writers who do it as they go along, but my method of attack has always been to plunge in and go as fast as I can, keeping the edge of my narrative blade as sharp as possible by constant use, and trying to outrun the novelist's most insidious enemy, which is doubt.


foreword, The Gunslinger

Tags: Stephen King

Well it's been hard for me to not write, and that's the only process I can speak to I guess, it's so compulsive and I need to do it all the time that sometimes I make myself not do it so I can actually tend to my life. And my life has been in shambles, like my personal relationships, my laundry, paying bills--now I have someone who pays my bills--and it's always been a challenge because it overwhelms me. And just once I start I can go for hours and hours and hours, and sometimes I forget to eat, and the only thing I really break for is to play basketball and to walk around outside and just get some fresh air. A lot of times, days melt away; and when I'm in that zone, I love that it's like going down a rabbit hole that I enjoy.


interview, Broadway Bullet, March 26, 2007

Tags: Adam Rapp

Most writer zombies don't realize they are the undead, because they do just enough to convince themselves (and others) that they are actual writers. They talk a lot about writing -- boy, are writer zombies great talkers -- going on for hours about the screenplay or pilot they're supposedly writing or will write once they have the time. They also read writing books and blogs and take seminars because that makes them feel like they are in the game. And they take classes, especially those that impose short-term deadlines, because that gets them writing, which makes them feel alive. But once the class is over, they almost always go back to their zombie ways.


"Beware the Writing Zombies", Huffington Post, February 25, 2016

Getting out of bed of a morning has never been a problem, but I've noticed of late that my writing is better in the afternoon. The mornings are methodical, when all the blockwork and first-fix stuff takes place. The ornamentation or even de-ornamentation -- the things that separate writing from writing -- don't seem possible until later in the day, when I've established some perspective.


"Language is my enemy -- I spend my life battling with it", The Guardian, March 25, 2017

I'm sympathetic with new writers who focus so much on the beginning. That's what you show friends or beta readers to see if you are just wasting your time or if there's something there. But you won't really know until you finish the whole book.


"Rules of Fiction with Jeff Abbott", Suspense Magazine, January 19, 2017

Tags: Jeff Abbott

You must write according to your feelings, be sure those feelings are true, and let everything else go hang.


Flaubert's Parrot

Tags: Julian Barnes

The poet cannot invent new words every time, of course. He uses the words of the tribe. But the handling of the word, the accent, a new articulation, renew them.


Present Past / Past Present

Tags: Eugene Ionesco

A great writer creates a world of his own and his readers are proud to live in it. A lesser writer may entice them in for a moment, but soon he will watch them filing out.


Enemies of Promise

It's a principle of mine to come into the story as late as possible, and to tell it as fast as you can.


interview, The Paris Review, summer 1997

Tags: John le Carré

Fictional characters are made of words, not flesh; they do not have free will, they do not exercise volition. They are easily born, and as easily killed off.


attributed, Irish Writers and Their Creative Process

The cat sat on the mat is not a story. The cat sat on the other cat's mat is a story.


attributed, The Creative Compass: Writing Your Way from Inspiration to Publication

The greater the length, the more beautiful will the piece be by reason of its size, provided that the whole be perspicuous.



Tags: Aristotle

I cannot and do not live in the world of discretion, not as a writer, anyway. I would prefer to, I assure you -- it would make life easier. But discretion is, unfortunately, not for novelists.


Deception: A Novel

Writing a killer first line to a novel is an art form in which there are a few masters and a great many apprentices.


"25 Things to Know about Writing the First Chapter of Your Novel", Terrible Minds

There are three rules for writing the novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.


attributed, Literary Agents: How to Get & Work with the Right One for You

Tags: W. Somerset Maugham